Good practice in Corporate Social Responsibility

Social responsible activities

Callipo has always been committed to sustainable development in the form of social responsible activities, with a special focus on the impact on territory, society and the environment.

As a reward, in 2005, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs singled out Giacinto Callipo Conserve Alimentari Spa within the Corporate Social Responsibility project as one of the 30 Italian companies that made a special concern for social and environmental issues as part of their business.

Social responsibility represents a tangible commitment: in fact, Callipo has always supported cultural, social and educational programs. It has backed a variety of projects supporting Associations and no-profit organizations as the Brancaleone Sea Turtle Rescue Centre (Reggio Calabria), whose mission is the rescue, treatment and rehabilitation of sea turtles belonging to the species Caretta Caretta as part of their protection and safeguarding.

Special Cook

In 2016, Callipo  supported “Special Cook”, a talent cooking show organized by the no-profit organization Officine Buone Onlus and taking place in a number of Italian hospitals with a twofold aim: providing entertainment for patients in their difficult times as well as performing an educational experience for patients based on the promotion of proper nutrition, through a combination of healthy food and taste.

In 2018 Callipo has donated the first “Special Kitchen” to the Eating Disorders Unit of the Niguarda Hospital in Milan. Special Kitchen is a movable kitchen realized in consultation with the chefs involved, throughout the years, to the healthy nutrition educational project. This professional kitchen was a special gift for all those young cooks attending the next Special Cook dates, and an important contribution to the organization, during the year, of training and educational events, show-cooking and cooking laboratories destined to the patients of the hospital.

Educational project within the penitentiary institute

Since 2016, Callipo outsourced the creation of gift items to the inmates of the penitentiary institute in Vibo Valentia, as part of a larger occupational and educational project within the institute. In particular, the inmates work on gift-box packaging, in collaboration with the Callipo staff, which represent a meaningful and constructive job experience. In May 2018, this initiative has been awarded the “Best Charity Initiative 2017” prize by DolciSalati&Consumi Awards and is an example of the social projects Callipo is involved both in Calabria and on a national scale.

Volley Tonno Callipo Calabria

For over 25 years, Callipo has concretely being involved in the field of sport: in particular, by managing, organizing and financially supporting social and sport activities run by the Volley Tonno Callipo Calabria, a team competing in the National Volleyball League. The team can be proud of positively conveying Calabria’s image at the national level, and is a symbol of regional pride for all Calabrian people, nurturing their passion. The team does also promote and continuously foster the development of a youth sport club.

Since 2008, the Company has published a calendar framing pictures of young people belonging to the Italian Association for People with Down Syndrome.

Welfare policies

Callipo Group has always enacted a number of welfare policies in order to ensure wellness of all employees.  The company has drawn an agreement with a specialist in radio-diagnostic and breast cancer diagnostic in order to cover the costs of ultrasound scans and mammograms for all the women employees. In 2019, launched a breast-screening campaign which will take place at the company, in collaboration with a professional team.
In addition, every year the company reports to the Regional Directorate for Labor all employees deserving a coveted “Star of Merit for Labor”.
In recent years, the Company has recognized commitment to work by awarding a production bonus for employees.
In addition, Callipo has recently signed an agreement with Fai-Cisl, making 1 million of euros available to the employees in the form of low-interest (1%) loans, as a way to support particular health and familiar requirements.